
  • [재택알바 & 투잡] 구글 애드센스로 집에서 떼돈 버는 사람들 (웹사이트 편)
    정보통신에너지/웹수익모델연구 2012. 6. 19. 05:29



    현재 집에서 인터넷으로 투잡이나 용돈벌이를 할 수 있는 가장 손쉽고 유명한 아이템은 구글 애드센스 광고 시스템이 아닐까 싶습니다.

    실제로 인터넷을 검색하다 만날 수 있는 블로그나 웹사이트들을 보면 심심치 않게 구글 애드센스 광고가 게재되어 있는 것을 볼 수 있습니다.

    이런 구글 애드센스 광고의 장점을 들자면, 비교적 손쉽게 가입해서 애드센스 광고를 원하는 블로그나 웹사이트에 게재할 수 있으며 현존하는 광고 시스템 중 가장 역사가 깊은 편이고 많은 사용자들이 있기에 안정성이 뛰어 납니다. 또한 실제로 이 애드센스 광고 시스템을 통해 큰 돈을 버는 사람들이 상당수 존재하고 있고 그들에 의해서 최적화된 노하우와 기법들이 알려져 있기 때문에 애정을 가지고 잘만 활용하면 상상 이상의 수익을 얻을 수 있습니다.

    저 또한 현재 블로그에 애드센스 광고를 게재 중이고 여러 가지 수단을 통해서 연구 중에 있습니다.


    이 애드센스 광고 시스템의 진면목은 사실 한국어권이 아닌 영어권에서 확실하게 느낄 수 있습니다.

    단순히 생각해봐도 전세계에서 한국어를 사용하는 사람들은 아무리 많아 봐야 1억명에 훨씬 못 미칩니다. 그러나 영어권을 생각해보면 미국. 캐나다, 호주, 영국 등 영어가 모국어인 나라들을 넘어서서 세계적으로 수십억 명이 영어를 사용하기 때문에 어마어마한 이용자가 존재합니다.

    그래서 2011년 한해 동안 구글이 애드센스를 포함한 광고 시스템으로 벌어들인 순이익이 10조원이 넘습니다. 아마도 그 중 많은 부분이 영어권에서 벌어들인 수익일 것 입니다. 구글링을 조금만 해보면 애드센스로 외국인들이 벌어들이는 수입 또한 국내에서 애드센스로 버는 것과는 차원이 다른 것을 알 수 있습니다.

    물론 그만한 수익을 위해서는 영어로 웹을 운영해야 된다는 문제가 존재하지만 요새는 영어 잘 하는 사람도 많으므로 큰 문제가 되지는 않을 것 같습니다.

    그러는 의미에서 해외 웹사이트들은 구글 애드센스로 얼마나 벌어들이는지 한번 조사해봤습니다.

    총 상위 10개의 웹사이트가 나와있는데 1위인 Mashable의 구글 애드센스 한달 수입은 자그마치 60만 달러 입니다. 한국돈으로 약 7억원에 달하는 돈입니다. 1년이면 84억원이니 우리나라 왠만한 중견기업의 수익과 맞먹는 액수 입니다.


    1. Mashable

    Mashable is one of the largest independent news source dedicated to covering digital culture, social media and technology. Mashable reports on the importance of digital innovation and how it empowers and inspires people around the world.

    Founder – Pete CashMore
    Adsense Earning – $6,00,000 Per Month
    Launched – 2005
    Monthly Page Views – 25 million


    2. Weblogs

    "Weblogs, Inc. is a blog network of about 90 blogs, covering a variety of subjects, from computers and gaming to the likes of food and independent film. It was bought by AOL in 2005 for $25 million.

    Founders: Brian Alvey and Jason Calacanis
    Adsense Earning – $190,000 Per Month
    Launched – 2003
    Monthly Page Views – 25 million


    3. Digital Point

    Digital Point is one of the most popular discussion forums on the web related to search engines, including optimization, marketing, tools and other technical aspects.

    Founder – Shawn Hogan
    Launched – 1995 (under the name Data Point Solutions)
    Adsense Earnings – $5,00,000 / month


    4 . TechCrunch.com

    This technology blog was started by blogger Michael Arrington. The site specialises in information for startups and technology. High quality audience from around the world have made him one of themost influential bloggers in the world. in 2010 AOL bought it over for $30 million.

    Founder – Michael Arrington
    Adsense Earnings – $2,40,000
    Launched – 2005


    5.Digg .com

    Digg is a place for people to discover and share content from anywhere on the web. The famous social news website was started by Kevin Rose Digg.com. He is valued at over $31 Million. Digg is another one of the high earning adses websites.

    Founder–Kevin Rose
    Adsense Earnings – $250,000.00 per month
    Daily Visits – 1 Million Visitors a day
    Launched – 2004


    6. Perez Hilton

    Perez Hilton was started by Mario Lavandeira who has earned a name for offering celebrity news and juicy gossips. He writes 25-30 post everyday. Blogging has made him a celebrity and he regularly gets featured on talk shows and events.

    Founder– Mario Lavandeira
    Adsense Earnings – $2,00,000
    Daily Visits – 1 Million Visitors a day
    Launched – 2005


    7. Shoe Money

    Shoe money is ablog that teached people how to make money on the Internet. The was started by Jeremy Shoemaker.
    You may have come acrros the famous photo of him with a check for $130,000 (one-month earnings from Google AdSense) that became popular a few years ago.

    Founder – Jeremy Shoemaker
    Adsense Earnings – US$140,000 per month
    Launched – 2003


    8. Tweetmeme.com

    Tweetmeme was a website that tracks conversations, stories and trends on one of the biggets social networking websites, twitter. The famous RetWeet button found on nearly a million blogs was initiallyu introduced by Tweetmeme. It was one of the fastest growing sites and rose to a global rank of 300 in just one year.

    Founder – Nick Halstead
    Adsense Earnings– $2,25,000 / Month
    Traffic – 385,000 unique visitors per month
    Launched – 2008


    9 .Plenty Of Fish

    Plenty of Fish was started by Canadian internet entrepreneur Markus Frind and his girlfriend. In 2003 soon after starting his site, he was only making $40 a day from Adsense. However by 2007 on good days, his daily earnings had risen to as high as $30,000 a day from over 1 billion page views a month.

    Founder – Markus Friend
    Adsense Earnings – US$300,000.00 per month
    Launched – 2003

    Reportedly, Markus Friend of Plenty of Fish.com earns an average income of US$300,000.00 per month.

    UPDATE/Correction: I would like to add that the above figures are average monthly earnings. As pointed out by Alex in one of the comments below, in some months Plenty of Fish have indeed earned more than US$300,000.

    As an example, I am including an image of a 2 months cheque received by Plenty of Fish as far back as 2006 for over $900,000 as reported on plenty of fish blog on WordPress. This two month cheque alone shows an average of $450K per month. A big thanks to Alex for sharing a link to this cheque.


    10. ClickIndia.com

    And if you think only the big names can earn money via Adsesense, take a look at this site from India below.

    Pankaj agarwal founded Clickindia 2 years ago and it zoomed up with classified ads posted by people all over india in alexa top 1k list. Adsense is clickindia only revenue model and thus they have optimised the site well for maximum CTR and for becoming the highest adsense earner from his country.

    Founder – Pankaj Agarwal
    Adsense Earning – $85,000/ month
    Launched – 2007
    Page-views/Visits – 5.5 million unique users a month



    There are millions of sites that use Adsense. However, a majority of them struggle to make even $1 per day, some even less. I have shared only the success stories above. I do not want to give you false hope that it is easy to generate revenues like this. In fact, it is far from it. Never the less, I firmly believe that it is possible to do so. And if you are willing to devote two or three years to write quality content for your website, your chances for making a full time income from your site are very good. If you think, you can achieve it without any effort then I suggest you look for alternative methods.

    I have been blogging for just over two years now and will continue to do so as I am confident that it is possible to make a decent full-time income simply by blogging.


    출처 - http://www.kronikmedia.co.uk/blog/top-adsense-earners-10-sites-that-earn-millions/1876/
